Dolores Cortés nos presentó para éste verano, en Madrid, una colección con influencia de culturas ancestrales...
La puesta en escena presentó unas máscaras de inspiración africana en metal dorado, túnicas con apliques dorados en el cuello.
Bikinis, bañadores y trikinis con colores vivos, azules, amarillos, malvas, etc.Asimetrías, rejillas, calados, tricot, una auténtica maravilla...

Hmmm...J'aime beaucoup la première: masquée...
ResponderEliminarBon week-end, Marcela!
Olá Linda :) Este Post está Fantástico, os bikinis são lindos... que cheirinho bom a Verão :D
Oi, honestamente, os biquínis mais criativos que eu já vi! Adorei e já digitei: Dolores Cortés no google. Amei os biquínis, super bonitos e criativos.
ResponderEliminarBelo post.
I love the African inspired look, very vibrant colour and strong characteristic:)
Marcella this is another amazing collection of images - you have an amazing eye for colour and design xx
Me encanta la coleccion de Dolores Cortes, excellente! Abrazos xo
ResponderEliminarbeautiful collection!
ResponderEliminarlast hours to enter in the giveaway for a 50€ giftcar to shop at DOORTJE !
kisses from La Mode En Rose = )
Awesome suits! Love the prints and colors.
Hola, querida.
ResponderEliminarJa estou te seguindo querida! love your blog!!
Hey, great posts, great blog. Thanks for stopping by my blog and sure we can follow each other. I am already following you back :)
ResponderEliminarloving your blog.
What a hot collection :))
ResponderEliminarLOVE minnja
que piezas tan más lindas quiero comprar unas!!
Gracias Marcela. Really nice prints on those collection!
Gorgeous pieces, love the prints!
ResponderEliminarEspectaculares esas imagenes y el post!Me encanta tu estilo,eres unica!!!
Realmente encantadora esa colección de trajes de baño. Por supuesto, estaría encantado de ser tu invitado. Besos.
ResponderEliminarAlcune di queste immagini ben si sarebbero sposate al mio post "verde"!.
ResponderEliminarSei molto brava ad adattare le foto tra di loro e a connetterle.
Un bacio grandissimo.
wonderful images! :) your blog is very intresting! kisses!!
ResponderEliminarthank you for stopping by and commenting yes would love to follow each other! now following you!
ResponderEliminarlove the collection! of course we can follow each other! thanks for visiting and following!
creo que con el ímpetu he borrado mi comentario!, en fin decía algo así como:
ResponderEliminarDios mío de mi vida!! que preciosidad de bikinis, trikinis, bañadores y fotografías, después de ver éstas maravillas, ya puedo coger tooodos los míos y lanzarlos al abismo, ¡¡¡y que no vuelvan por favor!!!
qué bonito!!
un beso
THESE BIKINIS ARE STUNNNNNNNING!!!!!!!!!! I mean, literally works of art!!! The first one is gorgeous!!!! I want every single one!! Where can I buy them?!!? Ahhh! Love them! Wonderful post!! :)
ResponderEliminarThanks so much for stopping by my blog today! I am so happy to have discovered yours now! It is fantastic!
I am following you now!!! :)
moonstruck exposé
x. juliana
Adorei o tema, as estampas, e quero o maiô azul. Lindo!!!
wow i love the patterns of the first couple bathing suits
wow so pretty xx
ResponderEliminarI love the first photo
I love fashion bloggers
Love the collection, the prints are amazing!!
Muchas gracias.
ResponderEliminarPor favor, escriba en Inglés;)
Adorable pictures!!!
Absolutely magical! very beautiful!
ResponderEliminargracias :)
ResponderEliminarFabulous bathing suits and tribal inspiration photos!
awesome pictures, i love it, the collection looks nice, African women are absolutely gorgeous, what's there not to like :-D
ResponderEliminarQue increibles fotos!! Me encantó este post!!
ResponderEliminarThis is so amazing.. Especially the inspiration and those models have amazing bodies..
ResponderEliminarAll the best, Angel
ResponderEliminarHola MArce!
ResponderEliminarExcelente blog!, me encantan tus post!
ya te sigo!,,, sigueme de vuelta!
un besazo!
Love this post! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Following you now!!
ResponderEliminarXO, Liza
fashion over groceries
so nice blog Marcela! full of colours!
ResponderEliminarI follow you!
xx Ilka
i love the idea of your blog...really nice! i follow you if you wanna follow me....
ResponderEliminartahnks xoxo mininuni
thanks for dropping by at my blog. love your blog too, the photos are amazing! Following you back!
Coleção maravilhosa!!!
ResponderEliminarMe lembra a coleção de verão 2012 da OSKLEN ( brasileira) que apresentou na SPFW toda baseada na cultura africana no Brasil, onde o criador Oskar estudou tudo sobre os país e si inspirou nas fotografias de SEBASTIÃO SALGADO (excelente fotógrafo brasileiro/internacional).
Rita Barroso
love thoses ethnic patterns very much!! and those photos are really gorgeous!
ResponderEliminarI L.O.V.E every suit!!!
ResponderEliminarHallo Lovely,
ResponderEliminarwow great picture...amazing
wish you a great day :)
with love
These pictures are so beautiful :) I like your posts :)
ResponderEliminarI have btw designed two dresses for a competition and if you like them you can vote :)
Of course, I would love to follow each other! This post is wonderful... Love all of these pics!
ResponderEliminarI'm your follower #500 now! ;o)
From Munich With Love
Your blog is so cool. Thanks for visiting mine. Following you. xx
Que bonitas imagenes!!!!!!!!, ojala pudiera lucir alguno de esos biquinis,cosa que es imposible e improbable,te felicito, es espectacular. TQM.
ResponderEliminarI love those Louboutin shoes but they don't seem to love me. I tried on so many pairs trying to buy one, but none of them fit me well, they just hurt, maybe there's something weird with my feet, i guess :(
amazing! love the tribal pics.